The overgrowth of bacteria or viruses causes ear infections in the ear cavity’s inner, middle, or outer part. Middle ear infection, medically referred to as otitis media, is the most prevalent form of ear infection caused by fluid accumulation in the air-filled space behind the eardrum. (1)
The middle ear is connected to the back of the throat via a narrow Eustachian tube. The opening of this tube in the throat keeps opening and closing to maintain proper airflow and pressure inside the middle ear and to drain out the secretions from the middle ear down the throat.
When you come down with a cold, flu, or allergy, inflammation and mucus buildup occur in the nasal passages, throat, and Eustachian tubes.
The blockage in the Eustachian tube prevents fluid drainage from the middle ear into the throat. As a result, the fluid starts collecting inside the middle ear and exerts pressure on the eardrum, causing it to bulge out and hurt.
The moist environment and lack of ventilation create an ideal environment for the growth of germs in the trapped fluid, eventually resulting in an infection.
Yet another common ear infection is swimmer’s ear (otitis externa), which occurs when water gets trapped inside the outer ear canal and breeds the growth of infection-causing microbes.
Otitis externa typically causes redness, warmth, and pain in the ear canal stretch extending from the eardrum to outside the head.
Home Remedies for Ear Infections
You can try the following home remedies to reduce the pain, inflammation, and fluid discharge associated with some outer and middle ear infections.
1. Try using tea tree oil.
Tea tree oil has multiple medicinal effects that can help treat ear infections and their associated symptoms. It is a potent antimicrobial agent that can kill the germs responsible for the infection.
Moreover, it helps relieve the inflammation and pain in and around the infected ear while also pulling out the fluid buildup inside the ear canal.
How to use:
- Heat a tablespoon of olive oil until it becomes slightly warm.
- Add 3–4 drops of tea tree oil and mix.
- Lay your head down on your side with the infected ear facing up.
- Put 2–3 drops of warm oil blend into the ear with a dropper.
- Hold the position for about 3 minutes.
- Turn your head to drain the oil out.
- Repeat daily until the pain subsides.
2. Apply warm/cold compresses.
Apply warm/cold compresses.
Warm and cold compresses work in different ways to alleviate the symptomatic discomfort caused by ear infections.
Applying gentle heat helps dissolve the fluid discharge accumulated inside the ear so that it drains out quickly, thus aiding in reducing symptoms.
Topical cold therapy, conversely, constricts the underlying blood vessels and thus limits blood flow in the area, reducing inflammation and providing cooling and soothing effects.
Plus, it is a protective method that prevents hearing loss.
To make a warm compress:
- Soak a clean washcloth in warm water.
- Squeeze out the excess liquid.
- Fold the damp cloth.
- Place it over the infected ear for 10–15 minutes.
Alternatively, you can wrap a heating pad (on low setting) or warmed gel pack in a towel and keep it on the sore ear for 10–15 minutes.
Ensure the compress does not feel too hot, as you can burn your skin.
To make a cold compress:
- Soak a clean washcloth in cold water.
- Wring out the excess liquid.
- Fold the damp cloth.
- Place it on the infected ear for 10–15 minutes.
Try hot and cold compresses to see which suits you best, then stick to the preferable option.
Apply warm/cold compresses.
3. Use garlic
Garlic exhibits strong antimicrobial and immune-boosting properties that can help fight ear infections, reduce symptoms, and promote faster recovery. Plus, it is credited with pain-relieving properties that can help ease infection-induced earache.
How to use
- Cook two garlic cloves in 2 tablespoons of mustard oil until they turn black.
- Strain the oil in a container and let it cool to comfortably warm.
- Use a clean, sanitized dropper to put 2–3 drops of this oil in the infected ear.
4. Apply a salt compress on the affected area.
Salt is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that can help soothe the swelling, pain, and tenderness in and around the infected ear.
Salt draws out the pus or fluid discharge from the ear to provide relief and promote healing. It may even help kill the bacteria responsible for the ear infection to speed up recovery.
The best way to use this therapeutic ingredient is in the form of a warm compress.
How to use:
- Fill a bowl with salt.
- Heat it in the microwave for 5–6 minutes.
- Put the heated salt in a clean sock.
- Use a thread or rubber band to tie the open end of the sock.
- Lie down and place this warm sock over the affected ear. Applying salt and heat will help expel the pus or fluid accumulated inside the ear.
- Use a clean tissue to wipe any discharge from the ear gently.
- Repeat this process several times a day for prolonged relief.
5. Onion compress application.
Onions contain anti-inflammatory compounds such as the flavonoid quercetin, which can help reduce the swelling and pain caused by ear infections.
It is a widely popular anecdotal remedy that has been used for ages, but there needs to be more scientific support for it. However, you can still give it a try since it is devoid of any harmful side effects.
How to use:
- Use a clean dropper to put a few drops of onion juice in the affected ear.
- Heat half an onion in the microwave for 30 seconds.
- Wrap it in a thin towel to make a hot compress.
- Keep the onion compress over the affected ear until it cools down.
6. Use holy basil
Holy basil is rich in antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune-boosting effects that can help clear ear infections and improve symptoms.
How to use
- Lightly crush 4–5 fresh holy basil leaves to extract their juice.
- Soak a clean cotton ball in the basil juice.
- Carefully dab it on and around the affected ear without getting any liquid into the ear canal.
How to use
- Mix a few drops of holy basil oil with equal amounts of coconut oil.
- Dip a clean cotton ball into the mixture.
- Use it to wipe the inside of your ear gently, its outer edges, and the area behind it.
- Do this daily until the infection goes away.
7. Drop olive oil into the affected ear.
Olive oil possesses some antibacterial activity, but there isn’t enough research to prove that it works against the bacterial strain that commonly causes ear infections.
It also exhibits anti-inflammatory properties that help ease the ear pain associated with such infections. Still, it is less effective than commercial eardrops containing actual anesthetic formulations.
This remedy is relatively safe, so it is not harmful.
How to use:
- Lie down on your side with the affected ear facing upward.
- Pour 2–3 drops of warm olive oil into the infected ear using a clean dropper.
- Stay in the same position for about 3 minutes
- Tilt the infected ear toward the ground to drain out the oil.
- Do this every day until the pain goes away.
8. Put mango leaf juice in the affected ear.
Mango leaf juice has long been used as a natural remedy for immediate relief from earaches. It possesses anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can help soothe and heal your infected ear.
In one study, mango extract, administered topically (0.5–2 mg per ear), reduced ear edema in mice.
How to use:
- Grind or crush 2–3 mango leaves to extract their juice.
- Use a clean dropper to put 2–3 drops of this juice in the infected ear.
- Keep still for about 5 minutes.
- Repeat the procedure three times a day.
9. Breastmilk can reduce the risk of ear infections in children.
Infants between 6 and 18 months are prone to outer ear infections, but breastfeeding can significantly reduce this risk. Breast milk is replete with antibodies that strengthen your child’s developing immune system against such ailments.
It was found that babies who received breast milk for about a year were less susceptible to outer ear infections than those who never received breast milk.
Moreover, you can administer a few drops of breast milk into the affected ear to soothe the discomfort and clear up the infection faster. Do it every 2 hours to facilitate quick healing.
10. Mullein drops can soothe ear infections.
Mullein is available in many forms in the market, such as oils, ear drops, tinctures, creams, capsules, etc. But in case of ear infections, mullein ear drops (in oil form) are preferred, extracted from the mullein flowers.
The Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine published research showing that mullein ear drops’ pain-relieving effects were comparable to a standard anesthetic.
11. Increase your vitamin D intake
Vitamin D plays a crucial role in building immunity, but unfortunately, most people run low on this vital nutrient. Conversely, vitamin D deficiency compromises your body’s ability to ward off various ailments, including ear infections.
A proper diet, adequate supplementation, and direct sun exposure can help increase your vitamin D levels and thus reduce the risk of ear infections. This simple intervention can also help you recover from such infections much faster.
12. Neck Exercises
Neck rotations may help relieve pressure on the ear canal caused by an ear infection.
One exercise involves sitting up straight and keeping both feet flat. Rotate your neck to one shoulder, then move it to the other. You can raise your shoulders as high as possible and count to five. Repeat throughout the day.
13. Change Sleep Positions
Although it might seem unnatural, propping your head up while sleeping may help reduce ear pain. That’s because it can drain the eustachian tubes, which your system can’t do well when you’re not upright. Clogged eustachian tubes can cause pain.

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