We should all look at alternate natural ways to boost our immune systems, particularly now. Many natural products are quite functional in this regard. One category is herbs and spices. Some herbs and spices add flavor to our food and assist when we are not feeling well. Spices and herbs have been used for quite a long time to solve some brief illnesses and help recover. Mix them in smoothies, soups, and baked items to keep your mind and body strong, healthy, and fresh. This list contains some beneficial herbs and spices to boost your immune system.
1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon’s brightness and spiced smell invite the expansion of several dishes, from sweet to appetizing. Cinnamon has many anti-inflammatory uses, absorbs numerous antioxidants, has a complete package of valuable vitamins, and protects the body from free radicals. But unfortunately, it can also deal with significant heart diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, and many bacterial infections.
How to Use Cinnamon to Boost Your Immune:
A daily intake of a quarter teaspoon of Cinnamon combined with one tablespoon of honey can help you fight many bacterial and viral infections.
Cinnamon has no adverse effects; when used with other medications for curing, some illnesses can cause problems. So, always ask your doctor before adding it to your diet.
2. Ginger:

Ginger, the most ancient herb, was first used in Southeast Asia. However, its unique health benefits have long been used in traditional medicines. Ginger contains many vitamin B vitamins that help treat flu, nausea, and muscular pain, maintain blood sugar levels, treat chronic indigestion, and promote blood circulation.
How to Use:
This precious supplement has many uses. One of the best is the immune-boosting Ginger Turmeric tea.
- Add a cup of water into a teapot and place it on heat.
- Add fresh slices of ginger to it.
- After a minute or two, add some turmeric.
- Don’t forget to add black pepper, which makes it more beneficial.
Try not to use more than 4 grams of ginger on whatever day in any form. Individuals with heart conditions, diabetes, and gallstones should mainly communicate with their physician before taking ginger as a boost.
3. Turmeric:

Turmeric, commonly called Curcumin, is an incredible source of boosting your immune system. It is an all-in-one package for enhancing the strength of your immune system. Turmeric is an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant ingredient that heals wounds, repels insects, releases mucous, eases inflammation, and fights against many infections.
How to Use Turmeric to Boost Your Immune System:
Turmeric can be found in many recipes, but the best way to consume it is warm, spiced turmeric milk.
(For one cup only)
- Take one cup of low-fat milk and heat it.
- Add ¾ tsp. of honey, ½ tsp. of ground turmeric, ¼ tsp. of ground cardamom, and ¼ tsp. of ground ginger to it.
- Additionally, you can add one dash of vanilla extract, one dash of black pepper, and one pinch of ground cloves.
- This excellent remedy can help you a lot to make your bones strong and heal wounds.
A higher dose of turmeric can cause severe gastrointestinal diseases like constipation, diarrhea, distension, yellow stool, stomachache, and many others. Therefore, a normal daily dose should be equal to 500 mg twice a day.
4. Garlic:

Garlic is the most active ingredient in the kitchen, or we can say that this spicy bulb is a staple in most kitchens. It is enriched with many antiviral and antibacterial substances that mainly reduce the severity of flu and colds and increase the number of cells that fight against diseases.
How to Use:
As garlic is readily available in almost every kitchen, its consumption is quite easy. You can consume it in many dishes, or taking a bite of fresh garlic daily on an empty stomach is perfect for enhancing your immune system.
Too much garlic daily can cause many gastrointestinal diseases, such as bloating, diarrhea, bad breath, and body odor. So do not consume it in a higher quantity.
5. Black Pepper:

The intake of Black Pepper, a precise spice in your kitchen cabinets, can also sustain a robust immune system. Black Pepper is characterized by solid anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative substances that boost white blood cells to fight against bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. In addition, it may maintain cholesterol levels and blood sugar and improve brain and gut health.
How to Use:
For some time, black pepper has been a piece of the eating routine—a reasonably fundamental one. The flavor of black pepper is loaded with antibacterial and mitigating properties that help keep contaminations under control and relieve the distress caused by wounds and swellings. Black pepper tea is one of the best and easiest ways to consume this excellent ingredient.
(For one cup only)
- Place a cup of water on the stove and boil it.
- After turning the gas off, add half a teaspoon of crushed black pepper, half a teaspoon of lemon juice, and half a teaspoon of chopped ginger.
- Please leave it in it for five minutes.
- Strain the tea and consume it.
Black Pepper does not generally have any adverse side effects. However, it can cause burning of the mouth after tasting it. Please do not take it in higher amounts, as studies have proven it can cause lung diseases when taken in higher doses.
6. Coriander:

Coriander is the most precious and widely used herb due to its beautiful aroma and taste. The spice, also known as Chinese parsley, is mainly used to garnish soups, curries, and chutneys. It has many health benefits and aids in lowering blood pressure and overcoming the cellular damage caused by free radicals. These sweet-smelling leaves also help in managing anxiety.
How to use:
The all-in package of this priceless herb is delicious coriander juice, which can significantly impact your immune system.
(For one cup only)
- Chop the coriander leaves.
- Heat a cup of water in a teapot.
- Add the chopped coriander leaves and heat them for 10 minutes.
- After placing it away from the stove, let it cool.
- Strain the juice and add lemon and salt to it.
- Enjoy the best version of coriander.
Coriander is a green-leafy vegetable that does not have any adverse effects.
7. Cardamom:

Cardamom is another delightfully flavored ingredient that boosts the immune system. Its blissful aroma and taste make it an essential component of Pakistani cuisine. Cardamom has many health benefits, including preventing respiratory infections, coughs, flu, sore throats, and asthma. The flavorful pod is also studied to enhance certain enzymes’ fighting actions against cancer.
How to use:
The aromatic spice cardamom is a powerhouse of many antioxidants and minerals necessary for daily consumption. The best and easiest way to consume it is through Cardamom water.
(For One cup only)
- Take a glass of water and heat it.
- Take some cardamom pods and crush them.
- Add the crushed cardamom into the water upon boiling.
- After placing it away from the stove, let it cool.
- Drink the water at night or in the morning on an empty stomach.
Cardamom intake is relatively unsafe during pregnancy and breastfeeding as it can cause miscarriage. It is also not safe for people with gallstones.
8. Elderberries:

People have used the Elderberry bush as an immune booster for thousands of years. This precious plant’s berries and flowers are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, hugely supporting a healthy immune system. As a result, they are pretty helpful in curing inflammation, dealing with stress, and protecting the heart. They are also an excellent source to prevent colds and flu.
How to use:
Individuals have used elderberries in a wide range. However, the best version is the consumption of the fruit itself. Its other forms are syrups, pills, gummies, and teas.
We should consider not consuming this herb’s roots and stems as they contain cyanide and glycosides, which can rapidly cause nausea and vomiting.
9. Clove:

Clove is another spice that is characterized by excellent immunity-boosting properties. In addition, cloves are highly rich in certain vital nutrients and antioxidants that help fight cancer, kill bacteria, improve liver health, regulate blood sugar, promote bone health, and reduce stomach ulcers.
How to use:
There are numerous ways to use cloves in your diet. You can make them useful in several dishes. For example, adding two cloves to your morning tea is an excellent way to consume cloves that will make you feel relaxed.
We should know that taking too many cloves can cause fluid imbalances and liver damage. So, one should consume 2-3 cloves daily.
10. Green tea:

Green tea is another exceptional natural immunity booster. It can remove acne, aid in weight loss, and makes you look younger. The most highlighted characteristics are its antioxidants, polyphenols, and flavonoid enrichment. All these substances have an excellent and healthy impact on the immune system and help increase immune cells, suppress autoimmune diseases, and protect against colds and flu.
How to use Green Tea to Boost the Immune System:
In addition to many other spices and herbs, Green tea is more than a perfect beverage for a healthy immune system. Adding ginger, turmeric, and peppermint is an outstanding combination.
NOTE: Please, seek advice from your health practitioner before adding these herbs and spices to your diet. Because some herbs and spices might contraindicate with prescription medication.