American Ginseng: 12 Top Health Benefits, Uses and Side Effects

American Ginseng: 12 Top Health Benefits, Uses and Side Effects

Panax quinquefolius, more often known as American Ginseng, is a perennial plant in the ivy family used in folk medicine for many years. In addition, it is a well-known herbal plant used in traditional Chinese medicine, and Native American healers use it as alternative medicine. 

According to research, it may increase energy, stimulate the immune system, and lower blood sugar levels. However, it is considered an endangered species due to high demand in some states. 

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Health Benefits of American Ginseng

1. Ginseng may help to boost the immune system:

Studies suggest that ginseng can strengthen the immune systems of cancer patients and improve the effectiveness of certain vaccinations. Ginseng extract may also improve the effectiveness of vaccinations against diseases such as influenza. However, additional research is required to demonstrate the efficacy of ginseng in increasing infection resistance in healthy people.

2. Fatigue:

As an adaptogen, the herb has some potential health benefits. For example, people use it to treat insomnia caused by chronic fatigue syndrome and alleviate many of the symptoms of jet lag. In addition, some believe the herb can improve athletes’ endurance and physical performance by increasing the amount of available oxygen in the muscles.

3. Ginseng can positively regulate the production of stress hormones by lowering the stress response.

This mechanism may explain why it may be beneficial in preventing memory loss and cognitive decline in people who have bipolar disorder, depression, and Cushing’s disease. Also, according to a meta-analysis of over 155 studies, ginseng supplements may help reduce fatigue and increase physical activity.

4. Improvement of cognitive functions such as memory, behavior, and mood:

Ginseng may aid in the improvement of cognitive functions such as memory, behavior, and mood. A human clinical trial discovered that taking American Ginseng extract improved working memory, reaction time, and “calmness” (Scholey et al., 2010). Although there is little evidence in this area, a 2010 study suggests that there may be some benefits. Ginseng has improved mental functions, feelings of calmness, and mood in both healthy and Alzheimer’s patients.

5. American Ginseng helps supports healthy blood sugar levels:

According to studies, ginseng berry extract has antioxidant properties that may help support healthy blood sugar levels. Ginseng consumption decreased oxidative stress in mice, one of the mechanisms by which ginseng promotes nutritional glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity. According to a 2018 study, including American ginseng in diabetes treatments helped keep blood sugars in check. Ginseng appears to help people with and without diabetes control their blood glucose levels. In addition, it improves pancreatic cell function, increases insulin production, and improves blood sugar uptake in tissues. Fermented ginseng is created using live bacteria that convert the ginsenosides into a more easily absorbed and potent form.

6. Colds and the flu:

During flu season, some adults may be able to avoid getting sick by taking an American ginseng extract called CVT-E002 (Cold-FX, Afexa Life Sciences) by mouth. Most likely, this is because there are polysaccharides in the food, which help the immune system. In 2011, a large multi-center trial looked into these effects.

7. May Benefit Heart Health:

Ginseng root may benefit heart health, high blood pressure, and heart failure prevention. For example, a single dose of Ginseng extract reduced cardiac contractile function in rats, resulting in a lower heart rate for 24 hours (Jian et al., 2014).

8. Possible Cancer Prevention Benefits:

Ginsenoside Rh2 was discovered to have a potent anti-tumor effect on the colorectal cancer HCT116 cell line. In animal studies and cell cultures, ginseng has been shown to down-regulate inflammatory pathways, reduce inflammation, and modulate cortisol levels. As a result, ginseng users may have a 16 percent lower risk of developing cancer.

9. American Ginseng Has the Potential to Improve Fertility and Sexual Performance:

American Ginseng, also known as Korean red ginseng, may effectively treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men by reducing oxidative stress in tissues and increasing blood flow to the penis. According to research, it may promote nitric oxide production, a compound that improves muscle relaxation and blood circulation in the penis. However, further research is needed to reach clear conclusions concerning its impact on ED. 

10. Antioxidant with Potent Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Ginseng lowers inflammatory markers and protects against oxidative stress. In one study, 18 young male athletes consumed 2 grams of Korean red ginseng extract three times per day. Following an exercise test, the men’s levels of specific inflammatory markers were significantly lower than the placebo group.

11. American Ginseng Can Be Beneficial for ADHD

Ginseng and Ginkgo biloba may help children and teenagers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms. However, more extensive and more comprehensive studies are required to fully confirm the herb’s effectiveness for ADHD symptoms.

12. There could be antimicrobial properties:

Many of the phytochemicals in ginseng have antimicrobial properties. Ginseng’s leaves, roots, and hairy root cultures all have chemicals that kill germs. For example, a study found that ginsenosides, a compound, kill staphylococci.

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Uses of American Ginseng 

Many Native American tribes use American ginseng to treat many ailments, and they regard it as one of the most valuable medicinal plants. Native Americans used American Ginseng for various diseases, including influenza, the common cold, fevers, and swelling. Ginseng is also known as a mild aphrodisiac and has a reputation for improving memory, enhancing learning, increasing productivity, increasing stamina, and improving immune system function. People use ginseng root in a variety of ways. For example, you can eat it raw or lightly steam it to soften it.

Soups and stir-fries are only a couple of the many dishes that call for it. So instead, choose a standard ginseng extract with 2–3 percent total ginsenosides and take it before meals to maximize absorption and reap the full benefits.

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Side Effects

Ginseng’s long-term side effects are unknown. For 12 weeks, doses ranging from 100 to 3000 mg per day have been safely utilized. However, people taking diabetes medications should exercise caution when using this herb due to the risk of hypoglycemia. In addition, in people with schizophrenia, it may cause agitation and sleep problems. 

Certain people should avoid taking American Ginseng entirely. For example, children or pregnant or breastfeeding women should not use ginseng. In addition, ginseng at high doses may cause sleep problems and agitation in people with schizophrenia. Finally, do not use ginsenoside-containing products if you have a hormone-sensitive condition such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids.

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For ages, ginseng has been used in Chinese medicine as a dietary supplement. Diabetes management, respiratory infection prevention, and mental function enhancement are among the most well-studied American ginseng benefits. The root is edible raw, or lightly steamed. You can easily incorporate it in an extract, capsule, or powder into your diet.


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This information is not meant to provide medical advice or replace a personal physician’s advice or treatment. All readers of this information, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should check with their doctors before initiating any nutrition, supplement, or lifestyle program. In addition, the statements and goods on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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